Liturgical Ministries


We welcome people interested in becoming ministers of the Parish: Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Hospitality Ministers, and Altar Servers. 

From GENERAL INSTRUCTION OF THE ROMAN MISSAL: 196. The lector reads from the ambo the readings that precede the Gospel. If there is no psalmist, the lector may also proclaim the responsorial Psalm after the first reading. 197. When no deacon is present, the lector, after the introduction by the priest, may announce from the ambo the intentions of the Prayer of the Faithful. 198. If there is no singing at the Entrance or at Communion and the antiphons in the Missal are not recited by the faithful, the lector may read them at the appropriate time (cf. nos. 48, 87). If you are interested in becoming a lector, please contact the Parish Office: 416.636.0213
Eucharistic Minister
From GENERAL INSTRUCTION OF THE ROMAN MISSAL: 162. The priest may be assisted in the distribution of Communion by other priests who happen to be present. If such priests are not present and there is a very large number of communicants, the priest may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him, i.e., duly instituted acolytes or even other faithful who have been deputed for this purpose. In case of necessity, the priest may depute suitable faithful for this single occasion. These ministers should not approach the altar before the priest has received Communion, and they are always to receive from the hands of the priest celebrant the vessel containing either species of the Most Holy Eucharist for distribution to the faithful. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic minister, please contact the Parish Office: 416.636.0213
Become a Eucharistic minister
Altar Server
Altar Server
From GENERAL INSTRUCTION OF THE ROMAN MISSAL: 100. In the absence of an instituted acolyte, lay ministers may be deputed to serve at the altar and assist the priest and the deacon; they may carry the cross, the candles, the thurible, the bread, the wine, and the water, and they may also be deputed to distribute Holy Communion as extraordinary ministers. If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server, please contact the Parish Office: 416.636.0213
St. Norbert's Altar Server Awards 2023
Hospitality Minister
Saint Paul instructed the assembled community to "welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, to the glory of God" (Romans 15:7). It will often be appropriate for those commonly referred to as ushers to exercise this ministry of welcome by greeting people at the church door, making sure they are provided with all necessary items for the celebration, such as candles or palms, and helping them find their places. The Ministers of Hospitality are tasked to accommodate visitors and those unfamiliar with the community and may be put at ease and drawn into the celebration. They also assist with collecting the offerings and assign families to bring up the gifts of bread and wine for the holy sacrifice of the Mass. If you are interested in becoming a Minister of Hospitality, get in touch with the Parish Office: 416.636.0213
Minister of Hospitality
Communion for the Homebound
If someone in your family is sick or confined to home for a period of time and would like to receive communion, don't hesitate to contact the parish office. An extraordinary eucharistic minister will be assigned to visit the person and lead a short communion service. Parish Office: 416.636.0213